Hey Everyone! Given our recent public release, I figured now's a good time to put together a road map and bring all y'all beautiful people in on what our next steps might look like.
First of all, I want to thank all of you for your various forms of support through the past month and a half (or in some of your cases much longer). Whether your contribution was playtesting, participating in our recorded sessions, supporting us financially, helping refine the rules, or just general support and encouragement, I want each and every one of you to know that we would not be here without you. I mean that- I’ve seen many of my own projects flare out and die for lack of encouragement and engagement. This was my own fault, and the lesson was well learned- working in a vacuum is asking for trouble. So thank you for being our air.
The State of Fools and Corpses
Right now, we have two videos published of our Let's Play campaign “The Bluesky Backwater”. This series takes place in a completely unique campaign setting with big space cowboy vibes. It’s got everything a growing PC needs- rampant criminality, mega-corporations, gun-slinging, space pirates, tech that edges on magic, gross wealth disparities, and buildings that grow from seeds. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite settings we’ve ever put together. This series will run somewhere between 8 and 10 episodes long, released once a week on Saturday. So keep your eyes out for episode 3!
The website’s been updated to its “final form”- i.e. it’s more-or-less where it’s gonna stay for a while. It includes links to all our social media, as well as a sign-up form for the newsletter. We’ll be keeping a dev blog on there as well, so if you’re interested in more of the nuts-and-bolts of how F&C development is going, check in regularly. Perhaps most importantly, the website also includes links to download the rules.
Speaking of the rules, the rules are finished! We’ve published version 3.3.1 of the F&C rules, and barring any sort of breaking bugs, that’s likely where we’ll stay for a good long while. This is our most complete and stable rule set ever, so if you’ve been thinking about spinning up a F&C campaign of your own, there’s never been a better time. If you end up running something, please share it with us! We love hearing about what people are creating and the experiences they’ve had with our system.
The Future of Fools and Corpses
We’ve got a lot in mind for the future, but not all of it is ready to share. What we can share is pretty exciting nonetheless. In the short term, we want to do more Let’s Plays, if the engagement seems to be there. To that point, we have 8 episodes slated for the Bluesky Backwater, but would love to do more if people are interested. If not, we might pivot to another setting or another format depending on feedback, so let us know what you think!
We’ll also be running more one-shots through the Discord, and may even be persuaded to run a mini-campaign if enough people are into it. Some of these games will be in person, so if you’re in KC hit us up! We would love to get together and jam. All community play events will be publicized on the Discord, so if you haven’t joined yet, get over there! It’s full of great people who are interested in F&C and tabletop in general.
We’ve set up a Twitch channel where we will be streaming play sessions and live Q&As in the near future. One thing we’re especially excited about is the Zero-To-TPK ad-libbed one-shot we’ll be running in a few weeks, where we will do no prep and take live direction from the chat on everything- the campaign setting, the characters, tech level, plot hooks, NPCs, you name it. F&C is made to be played on the fly and we wanna prove it, so come join the trainwreck!
For the more distant future, we have one more major goal in mind: We want to run a Kickstarter. Our current plan is either to publish either the Bluesky Backwater campaign setting or the rules themselves in a hard-bound, fully illustrated format. I’m honestly very divided- the rule set is complete, so the overhead for publishing it would be lower, but a dedicated campaign setting would be super cool and I really wanna do it. So sound off in the comments and let us know what you’d be interested in seeing us do!
Regardless of which path we take, the published book and all future works would be available to purchase through our website, while the rules themselves will remain free for download. This will always be the case, regardless of what we do or do not publish physically- the rules to Fools and Corpses are free and will remain free. Forever.
If any or all of this sounds interesting to you and you want to support our efforts, take a look at our Patreon. There’s some special merch we’ve put together for you on the higher tiers, but every tier of giving gets you access to special channels on the Discord where we will post early-access content and host “fireside chats” with the devs semi-regularly. From the middle tier up, you’ll be able to participate in polls that we will use to help direct our next steps on the project. This is a great way to not only support F&C’s development, but to get involved with it and make your voice heard!
That about wraps it up. If you have any questions or just wanna chat, come drop us a line on the Discord, and be sure to check in regularly- we’ve got a lot coming, and we don’t want you to miss out on any of it!
- The Fools and Corpses Team